Why Choose Block Strata?

  1. Your calls and emails will be returned within 24 hours, because we only look after small blocks and dont have the complications of dealing with large blocks.
  2. We don’t charge for postage and stationary, because these charges are annoying to our owners.
  3. You will be kept up to date with relevant local information about your body corporate and investing in apartments through our facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/pages/category/Real-Estate-Service/Block-Strata-Brisbane-354458881823055/

Jacqui Bartholomeusz

Managing Director – Block Strata,

Licensed Strata manager

Licensed Real Estate Agent

‘I have always found dealing with traditional strata management firms very hard. Nothing is ever clear and everything takes so long. I think one of the reasons for this is that most strata mangers are more interested in big blocks that pay higher fees. That’s why we specialize in small blocks. A unit in a small block is just as valuable to you, as any unit in a large block. We like to do one thing well, instead of trying to appeal to everyone.’ Jacqui