Block Strata™ delivers strata services differently.

Now, you can access an innovative platform that provides timely, efficient, systematic and compliant strata and body corporate services online.
They come to you via a strata web portal developed specifically for your block. At last, being involved in the management of your building doesn’t have to be a chore.
When you choose Block Strata™, painless strata management is a reality.


MyBlock™ organises your strata information online.

Why get frustrated waiting for return calls and emails when you can help yourself on this easy to use and transparent portal.

You can make requests online, check your levies and financials in real time, post messages for co-owners and download documents.


BlockMatic™ gives you quarterly committee checklists to guide your decision making.

Too often owners corporations are high-jacked by over bearing people motivated by self interest. Weak strata managers who do the bare minimum allow this to happen.

Our quarterly committee checklists make sure you deal with the right matters at the right time for a well balanced and compliant outcome.


WikiBlocks™ supports your committee and strata managers with a searchable data base of management tools and practical advice.

Too much time and money is lost in strata title management because there is no body corporate memory. Committees do not learn from the past experience of others.

Our ‘Wiki’ based knowledge bank built on 30 years experience of our founder, a leading strata lawyer, will help you manage your strata efficiently.